Molecular Dynamics


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I use molecular dynamics to evolve a system over time?

  • What do I use to track system properties over time?

  • Can I generate disordered structures using ASE?

  • Perform a molecular dynamics simulation with the EMT calculator

  • Attach an observer functions to track velocities, forces, and energies

  • Attach a Trajectory object to track atom positions

  • Use the temperature keyword to perform equilibration and quenching

Code connection

In this episode we will use the module to perform molecular dynamics and simulated annealing.

Energies and forces can be used to update structures

Molecular dynamics methods are found in


This is not a course in MD; be aware that thermostats and timesteps should be chosen with care for a given research problem.

from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution

# Set up a crystal
cu_cube ='Cu', cubic=True) * [3, 3, 3]

# Describe the interatomic interactions with the Effective Medium Theory
cu_cube.calc = EMT()

# Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(cu_cube, temperature_K=300)

Atoms store forces, velocities and energies

row_limit = 4

print(f'\nkinetic energy: {cu_cube.get_kinetic_energy()}')
[[ 0.04415792 -0.04196006 -0.02130616]
 [ 0.00674007 -0.009692    0.02499719]
 [ 0.00949497 -0.00967576  0.03271635]
 [ 0.01499601 -0.01203037 -0.02456846]]

kinetic energy: 5.209391647215017
[[ 1.05748743e-14  9.68843061e-15  8.49667559e-15]
 [ 2.47839943e-14 -1.35655376e-15 -2.27769192e-15]
 [-1.81799020e-15  1.80896964e-14 -1.32012457e-15]
 [-2.18835366e-15  1.32706346e-16  1.38292156e-14]]

Create a dynamics object and then attach Atoms

from ase import units
from import VelocityVerlet

dyn = VelocityVerlet(cu_cube, 5 * units.fs)

After each timestep the Atoms properties are updated


[[ 0.04342004 -0.04111118 -0.02074165]
 [ 0.00662474 -0.01022957  0.02452406]
 [ 0.00927404 -0.00939438  0.03250037]
 [ 0.01462945 -0.01201408 -0.02386139]]

[[-0.19094268  0.21966678  0.14607907]
 [-0.02984384 -0.13910846 -0.12243429]
 [-0.05717046  0.07281418 -0.05589085]
 [-0.09485569  0.00421554  0.18297141]]
from ase import Atoms

def printenergy(atoms: Atoms) -> None:
    """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy"""
    epot = atoms.get_potential_energy() / len(atoms)
    ekin = atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / len(atoms)
    temperature = ekin / (1.5 * units.kB)

    print(f'Energy per atom: Epot = {epot:.3f}eV  Ekin = {ekin:.3f}eV '
          f'(T={temperature:3.0f}K)  Etot = {epot+ekin:.3f}eV')

# print starting energies
# print energies as system evolves
for i in range(20):
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.028eV  Ekin = 0.015eV (T=115K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.020eV  Ekin = 0.023eV (T=175K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.019eV  Ekin = 0.024eV (T=186K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.012eV  Ekin = 0.031eV (T=239K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.020eV  Ekin = 0.022eV (T=174K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.023eV  Ekin = 0.020eV (T=151K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.013eV  Ekin = 0.029eV (T=228K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.022eV  Ekin = 0.021eV (T=159K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.016eV  Ekin = 0.027eV (T=206K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.018eV  Ekin = 0.025eV (T=194K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.021eV  Ekin = 0.022eV (T=169K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.019eV  Ekin = 0.023eV (T=180K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.011eV  Ekin = 0.032eV (T=245K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.026eV  Ekin = 0.017eV (T=128K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.016eV  Ekin = 0.027eV (T=209K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.019eV  Ekin = 0.024eV (T=187K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.017eV  Ekin = 0.026eV (T=202K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.022eV  Ekin = 0.021eV (T=160K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.016eV  Ekin = 0.027eV (T=210K)  Etot = 0.043eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.018eV  Ekin = 0.024eV (T=189K)  Etot = 0.043eV


As the system equilibrates, energy is conserved but the temperature is about half of the original setting. Why?


We started with momenta corresponding to 300K, but ideal lattice positions which correspond to 0K (in classical dynamics). The equipartition theorem states that energy should be shared equally, so half of the kinetic energy makes its way into potential energy and we are left with the momentum distribution of a lower temperature.

Attach an observer function to track properties

def energy_observer():

dyn.attach(energy_observer, interval=10)

Exercise: RMS displacement

Use an observer to measure the average root-mean-square displacement of Cu atoms at 300K.

Hint: if the numbers seem too large, try visualising the trajectory to see what could be causing a problem.


import numpy as np
ref_atoms ='Cu', cubic=True) * [3, 3, 3]  # Shift centre-of-mass to the origin

def rms_observer():  # Remove drift, make consistent with ref
    displacements = cu_cube.positions - ref_atoms.positions
    rms_displacements = np.sqrt((displacements**2).mean(axis=0))

dyn = VelocityVerlet(cu_cube, 5 * units.fs)
dyn.attach(rms_observer, interval=50)

Attach a Trajectory object to track atom positions

from ase.visualize import view

view(cu_cube, viewer='ngl')

Cu MD structure after one timestep

from import Trajectory
from import Langevin

cu_lump = cu_cube.copy()
cu_lump.calc = EMT()

def energy_observer():

dyn = Langevin(cu_lump, 5 * units.fs, friction=0.005, temperature_K=1000)
dyn.attach(energy_observer, interval=50)

# We also want to save the positions of all atoms after every 50th time step.
traj = Trajectory('cu_melt.traj', 'w', cu_lump)
dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=50)

# Now run the dynamics
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.458eV  Ekin = 0.025eV (T=193K)  Etot = 0.483eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.463eV  Ekin = 0.042eV (T=322K)  Etot = 0.504eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.477eV  Ekin = 0.048eV (T=372K)  Etot = 0.525eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.496eV  Ekin = 0.058eV (T=452K)  Etot = 0.554eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.493eV  Ekin = 0.070eV (T=539K)  Etot = 0.562eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.504eV  Ekin = 0.076eV (T=587K)  Etot = 0.580eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.507eV  Ekin = 0.085eV (T=661K)  Etot = 0.592eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.518eV  Ekin = 0.080eV (T=617K)  Etot = 0.598eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.511eV  Ekin = 0.095eV (T=732K)  Etot = 0.606eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.526eV  Ekin = 0.090eV (T=694K)  Etot = 0.616eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.517eV  Ekin = 0.106eV (T=821K)  Etot = 0.623eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.543eV  Ekin = 0.099eV (T=763K)  Etot = 0.642eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.551eV  Ekin = 0.094eV (T=724K)  Etot = 0.644eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.539eV  Ekin = 0.110eV (T=854K)  Etot = 0.650eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.541eV  Ekin = 0.124eV (T=959K)  Etot = 0.665eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.551eV  Ekin = 0.112eV (T=863K)  Etot = 0.663eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.568eV  Ekin = 0.099eV (T=768K)  Etot = 0.667eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.555eV  Ekin = 0.121eV (T=938K)  Etot = 0.676eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.574eV  Ekin = 0.101eV (T=782K)  Etot = 0.675eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.578eV  Ekin = 0.102eV (T=791K)  Etot = 0.680eV
Energy per atom: Epot = 0.590eV  Ekin = 0.101eV (T=782K)  Etot = 0.691eV

frames ='cu_melt.traj', index=':')
view(frames, viewer='ngl')

Cu MD trajectory

To quench, reduce the target temperature over the course of the simulation

for temperature in range(800, 100, -50):

frames ='cu_melt.traj', index=':')
view(frames, viewer='ngl')

Cu quenches


in the attached archive you will find some fully worked examples of LJonesium NVE, NVT and NPT. Also a simple example of how to do a dynamic NEB optimisation for a small molecule. extra md

Key Points

  • Energies and forces can be used to update structures

  • Molecular dynamics methods are found in

  • Atoms store forces, velocities and energies

  • Create a dynamics object and then attach Atoms

  • After each timestep the Atoms properties are updated

  • Attach an observer function to track properties

  • Attach a Trajectory object to track atom positions

  • To quench, reduce the target temperature over the course of the simulation